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Run migrations on Dokku/Heroku deployment

We at Firmhouse are currently moving our projects over to a new version of Intercity, which is using Dokku as its backend. Dokku is a "Docker powered...

Schedule recurring jobs with Sidekiq 4

Something I keep getting back to is setting up scheduled recurring jobs with Sidekiq, even though some people say it's not the tool for the job...

Minimum Viable Products emerge from Experiments

Robbert wrote about most Minimum Viable Products (MVP) likely being an experiment. Lean Startup has been around for a while now...

Your MVP is probably just an Experiment

During our last meetup in Eindhoven, we talked about the Minimum Viable Product, the MVP. This is one of the most popular...

Most Startups are Expensive Hobbies

I wrote this post originally in 2012 when the news of Kraft splitting in two companies was announced. According Dutch news sources...

Hybrid native apps are great for launching new mobile apps

At Firmhouse, we regularly build hybrid native apps when working on new mobile apps and Minimum Viable Products.

Use git blame more efficiently

Everyone has been there, that piece of code of which you think:“Wow, what a piece of crazy code, the person who wrote that should be ashamed of themselves.”

Instant cohorts and retention graphs for your Rails app

Knowing retention and churn is crucial to understanding whether you are doing the right things to get your product off the ground...

Make sure Redis is secure

A little while ago, I read a post about the insecurity of Redis. It was mainly about the fact that most Redis installation or totally open...

Integrate Rubocop in your workflow

Rubocop is a tool that helps you to check and enforce your style guide for your Ruby code. It does this using static analysis.

How I deploy a Rails app using Docker

Learn how to deploy a ruby on rails app that runs in a docker container.

How I build a Docker image for my Rails app

You have probably heard of the new cool kid in town, Docker. The problem with the fact that it is a new kid is that the documentation...

Coming soon

We are currently still working on this topic. Keep an eye on us.