The past week I've been working on a little web app that lets you post to a Twitter account as a group: It's a tool for volunteers so they can share a Twitter account for campaigning or communicate from a single organisation or brand.
Usually, I use Devise for registration and authentication. For building, I wanted to discover implementing basic registration and authentication with has_secure_password and the Rails bare minimum.
Here's the view code for my sign up form. It's nothing special. Just a simple form that asks for Email and Password. It uses bootstrap_form_for from the bootstrap-forms gem.
This view is accessible on /signup. The form also posts to /signup so my routes.rb looks like this:
The controller for these two routes looks as follows:
In my Account model I've added has_secure_password like so:
In the code for my SignupController, you can see that I set a signed cookie account_id to the id of the Account record that gets created. I'll be using this cookie to verify if the user is logged in on subsequent requests.
In ApplicationController I've added a few helper methods that let me verify and fetch the logged in account. By adding these methods here, I can use them in all the controllers throughout my app.
I use the authenticate_account method as a before_action in all controllers that need a valid account. This method will redirect to the root_url when no account is logged in. As a bonus, the method clears the account_id from the cookies when the requested Account has disappeared. Clearing the cookie is useful for clearing sessions of accounts that were removed.
The current_account method is a quick alias that lets me access the current logged in account from any controller or view. I store the result in the @current_account instance variable, so the database is never queried more than necessary inside a single request when calling the current_account method multiple times.
The third method account_signed_in? is just a syntactic sugar method that I can use in my views, inspired by Devise.
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know! You can reach me on Twitter via @michiels or send me an email at